This article can be read in the following language: 한국・조선어 (Korean) 简体中文 (Chinese (Simplified))
Coupons valid for 2 months (May & June 2020) were sent at the end of May to the eligible households. Coupons of all household members were delivered together. The coupons are valid until Fri., July 31.
Eligibility: Minoh residents as of May 22, 2020
Amount: Coupons worth of ¥2,000 per person (¥500×4 coupons)
Stores accepting coupons: Stores in Minoh City which offer menus via takeout (Mochikaeri) or delivery (Haitatsu) options. You can read the list of names and places of the stores participating in this program in the paper enclosed with the coupons.
For details: Minoh Sales Office (Minoh Eigyo-shitsu)
TEL: 072-724-6727 FAX: 072-722-7655
This article can be read in the following language: 한국・조선어 (Korean) 简体中文 (Chinese (Simplified))