Subsidy for Influenza Vaccinations to Expectant Mothers and Students

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A subsidy for seasonal influenza vaccination is given to pregnant women and those who are at an age of (2) and (3) below including students preparing for entrance exams (eg. middle/high school third year students). Application forms (Joseikin Shinseisho) were sent to applicable persons.

Subsidy: ¥1,000 (only once per person)

Eligibility: Resident of Minoh as of Oct. 1 – Dec. 28, 2020 and either of the following:

(1) Those who are expecting babies and have Mother and Child Health Handbook (Boshi Kenko Techo)

(2) Those born between Apr. 2, 2005 and Apr. 1, 2006

(3) Those born between Apr. 2, 2002 and Apr. 1, 2003

Vaccination due: The subsidy is valid for vaccination no later than Mon., Dec. 28.

How to apply: Submit the application form at the clinic where you are getting vaccinated. If the application form has not yet arrived to you, please contact the Children Healthy Division.

※If you have already been vaccinated before arrival of application form, you can get a refund afterwards. Please apply with the receipt of the vaccination. If you have difficulty in understanding, please consult with MAFGA.

For details: Children Healthy Division (Kodomo Sukoyaka-shitsu)
TEL: 072-724-6768 FAX: 072-721-9907

This article can be read in the following language: 한국・조선어 (Korean) 简体中文 (Chinese (Simplified)) Tiếng Việt (Vietnamese)

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