Criteria to move on to the Red Stage 2 (state of emergency)

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Criteria to move on to the Red Stage 2 (state of emergency) ←click here to see all 7 pages

We move on to the Red Stage 2 when the national government declares that the emergency measures based on the Act on Special Measures against Pandemic Influenza (hereinafter the relevant law) should be taken in Osaka

【Current infection situation】

○ The number of new positive cases for the last 1 week increased 1.96 times compared to the previous week

(as of January 11) and infections are spreading rapidly. And all the monitoring points for “Stage Ⅳ” indicated

by the national government’s subcommittee except for the positive rate have been met

○ The medical situation such as occupancy rate of hospital beds for severe and slight/mild symptom patients is

very tight





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