This article can be read in the following language: 한국・조선어 (Korean) 简体中文 (Chinese (Simplified))
Due to ‘Red Light’ phase of the “Osaka Model” emergency warning system issued on April 7, 2021, over surge in COVID-19, all Japanese language classes will be held online.
1. Start date & time of online class
Higashi Japanese Class
Day and Time:Sunday 10:00~11:30
First class:Sunday, April 18th
Day and Time : Tuesday 10:00~11:00
First class: Tuesday, April 13th
Seinan Japanese Class
Day and Time:Wednesday 19:00~20:30
First class: Wednesday, April 14th
Day and Time:Thursday 10:00~11:00
First class:Thursday, April 15th
Day and Time:Friday 10:30~11:30
First class:Friday, April 16th
Kayano Japanese Class
Day and Time:Friday 19:00~20:30
First class: Friday, April 16th
2、Eligible person
All students who have already registered to Japanese Class.
※We will let you know how to participate the Zoom Class.
※Some of Japanese Classes are available for new participants(Only for those who can come to the face-to-face class)
This article can be read in the following language: 한국・조선어 (Korean) 简体中文 (Chinese (Simplified))