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Families raising children or families with a person using a wheelchair on a daily basis can apply for Prefectural Housing (Fuei Jutaku). Applications for FY2022 are to be accepted in April, in June, in August, in October, in December and in February,2023.
◆How to apply:
(1) Get an application guide and application forms at one of the following locations.
Osaka Prefectural Housing (Osaka Fuei Jutaku) Senri Kanri Center, Minoh City Office Building and Repairs Division (Eizen-ka), Toyokawa Branch and Todoromi Branch, General Health & Welfare Center (Life Plaza), Minoh Citizens’ Activities Center (Minoh Shimin Katsudo Center), Multicultural Center, Right-pia 21, Humans’ Plaza
(2) Complete and submit the application.
Send it by post or apply from the Senri Kanri Center website (URL:
For details: Osaka Prefectural Housing (Osaka Fuei Jutaku) Senri Kanri Center
TEL: 06-6155-2780
1-5-3 Shinsenri Higashi-machi, Toyonaka 560-0082
This article can be read in the following language: 한국・조선어 (Korean) 简体中文 (Chinese (Simplified))