Prefectural Housing Is Available

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Families raising children or families with a person using a wheelchair on a daily basis can apply for Prefectural Housing (Fuei Jutaku). Applications for FY2022 are to be accepted in April, in June, in August, in October, in December and in February,2023.
◆How to apply:
(1) Get an application guide and application forms at one of the following locations.
Osaka Prefectural Housing (Osaka Fuei Jutaku) Senri Kanri Center, Minoh City Office Building and Repairs Division (Eizen-ka), Toyokawa Branch and Todoromi Branch, General Health & Welfare Center (Life Plaza), Minoh Citizens’ Activities Center (Minoh Shimin Katsudo Center), Multicultural Center, Right-pia 21, Humans’ Plaza
(2) Complete and submit the application.
Send it by post or apply from the Senri Kanri Center website (URL:
For details: Osaka Prefectural Housing (Osaka Fuei Jutaku) Senri Kanri Center
TEL: 06-6155-2780
1-5-3 Shinsenri Higashi-machi, Toyonaka 560-0082

This article can be read in the following language: 한국・조선어 (Korean) 简体中文 (Chinese (Simplified))

Multilingual Desk for Daily Life Consultation

If you have difficulties in contacting each organizer or department, please ask MAFGA. We are ready to help you.

TEL: 072-727-6912
Date and Time: Tuesday to Sunday 9:00~17:00
How to use our services: Visit, e-mail or call our center.
Available languages: Japanese / English / Chinese / Korean / Portuguese

We respond to consultations about childcare, education, work, medical care, welfare, visa status or any other problems and worries you might have.
Consultations are free of charge and will be strictly confidential.

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