This article can be read in the following language: 한국・조선어 (Korean) 简体中文 (Chinese (Simplified))
This workshop gives you how to fold six kinds of paper planes, and how to fly them longer or smarter.
Date & Time: Sat., Jul. 16 & Sat., Jul. 23 (2 days) 14:00-16:00
Place: Chuo Lifelong Learning Center (Chuo Shogai Gakushu Center)
Lecturer: Mr. Masatomo Umeda
Intender for: Above elementary school children and their parents (one child and one parent make a pair.)
Limit: 10 pairs
Fee: ¥1,500
(include material costs)
Belongings: pencil, eraser, and above-15-centimeter ruler
Application: Until Sat., Jun. 18. You can apply at Chuo Lifelong Learning Center or fax.
※It needs to write pair’s name (child and parent), sex, age and address.
For details: Chuo Lifelong Learning Center (Chuo Shogai Gakushu Center)
TEL: 072-721-4094 FAX: 072-721-0495
This article can be read in the following language: 한국・조선어 (Korean) 简体中文 (Chinese (Simplified))