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Minoh City has already distributed one tablet device to every student attending municipal elementary and middle schools. They make good use of this device not only in regular classes but also in online classes, which enables them to learn even when classes are suddenly closed.
◆Introduction of learning support software “tomoLinks”
The “tomoLinks” is a software for online classes on tablet devices for students who feel anxious about going to school due to the COVID-19 or who are staying at home due to class closures. This software enables students to engage in a various kinds of self-learning. Thanks to this software teachers can make an easier communication with guardians. The examples are (1) – (4) below.
(1) Online classes:
Teachers can conduct online classes in the same way they do in the classroom by distributing and collecting handouts to students even at home and they can also correct the answers written by the students on the screen on real-time basis.
(2) Video conference:
This software also enables video conference, so students’ homes and schools can be easily connected.
(3) Digital communication notebook between teachers and guardians:
When a teacher writes messages in the digital communication notebook, the contents are simultaneously distributed to students’ devices and guardians’ smartphones, etc. In addition, guardians can use their smartphones to notify a teacher of their child’s absence or tardiness.
(4) Utilizing drill books on the tablet devices:
The tablet device contains study drills for 4 elementary school subjects and 5 middle school subjects, so students are free to tackle study drills at any grade level according to their abilities. For example, if a student is a sixth grader, he/she can review fifth grade study drills and/or prepare for middle school subjects.
For details: School Education Division (Gakko Kyoiku-shitsu)
TEL: 072-724-6761 FAX: 072-724-6010
This article can be read in the following language: 日本語 (Japanese) 한국・조선어 (Korean) 简体中文 (Chinese (Simplified))