Health Check-up for New Elementary Schoolchildren and Kindergarteners

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Health check-ups will be given to children entering a municipal elementary school or a municipal kindergarten of Minoh City in April 2021. To prevent the spread of COVID-19, the date and place for check-ups will be predetermined.

Minoh City sent notices (containing information such as dates for health check-ups) and a reply postcard to new schoolchildren in late September by post. Please send back the reply postcard indicating your willingness to take the check-ups and your preferred date. Once the date is finalized, you will be informed the date and time by postal mail. If the notice does not arrive to you, please contact the School Education Division.

For new kindergarteners, you will be informed the application process in detail when the notice of kindergarten admission (Nyuen Kettei Tuchisyo) is delivered at kindergartens in mid-October.

(1) Date and place for check-ups:
Thu., Nov. 5, Mon., Nov. 9, Fri., Nov. 13, Mon., Nov. 16
at General Health & Welfare Center

Wed., Nov. 25 at Seinan Lifelong Learning Center

(2) Hours for check-ups: 14:00-15:15

(3) Contents: Check-ups for internal medicine, ophthalmic and otolaryngology examinations (Dental and visual acuity examinations are provided to new schoolchildren.)
For details: School Education Division (Gakko Kyoiku- shitsu)

TEL: 072-724-6761 FAX: 072-724-6010


This article can be read in the following language: 한국・조선어 (Korean) 简体中文 (Chinese (Simplified)) Tiếng Việt (Vietnamese)

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