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●Burnable Garbage
The last collection day in 2020
District A (Collection of burnable garbage on Mondays & Thursdays): Tue., Dec. 29
District B (Collection of burnable garbage on Tuesdays & Fridays): Wed., Dec. 30
The first regular collection after New Year holidays will be on Mon., Jan. 4 (District A) and on Tue., Jan. 5 (District B).
●Cans & Bottles
District A Wednesdays, Dec. 16, Jan. 6 & Jan. 20
District B Wednesdays, Dec. 23, Jan. 13 & Jan. 27
●Irregular Garbage Collection
Garbage pickup service can be arranged until Wed., Dec. 30, 2020. Please book via phone by Fri., Dec. 18.
Collection will be back to normal schedule on Mon., Jan. 4, 2021. TEL:072-729-2371
●Garbage to Be Brought into Clean Center
Reception will be closed at 15:00 on Wed., Dec. 30. It will be reopened on Tue., Jan. 5, 2021. Time: 9:00 – 17:00.
Clean Center is open from Tuesday to Friday, and additionally available on Mon., Dec. 28. TEL:072-729-4280
●Collection of PET bottles, unburnable garbage, hazardous materials & large-sized garbage
This article can be read in the following language: 한국・조선어 (Korean) 简体中文 (Chinese (Simplified))