When You Put Out Garbage Please Be Aware of Crows!

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April to June is the breeding season for crows. At this time, the crows root through trash the most to find food for their chicks. The way you dispose of ‘food waste’ is very important in order to keep crows away.
When you take out the garbage, please cover the garbage bags with a net and put some weights on it, then tuck the end of the net under the garbage bags. Some weights on the net are very important to prevent crows from picking up garbage because they can easily uncover nets.
※A box type net or a drawstring bag type net are also convenient. They are available in DIY stores.
※When you put out your garbage together with more than 5 detached houses, you can rent garbage nets from Minoh City. Please ask the Waste Management Division (Kankyo Seibi-shitsu) at TEL: 072-729-2371.
For details: Environment & Animal Division (Kankyo Dobutsu-shitsu).
TEL: 072-724-7039 FAX: 072-723-5581
e-mail: animal@maple.city.minoh.lg.jp

This article can be read in the following language: 日本語 (Japanese) 한국・조선어 (Korean) 简体中文 (Chinese (Simplified))

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