The Notice for National Health Insurance and Long-term Care Insurance Premiums

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The National Health Insurance and Long-term Care Insurance premiums (amounts of money to be paid) for fiscal 2023 have been determined on the basis of your 2022 income (salary, etc.). In mid-June you will receive the “Payment Notice” on how you should pay the premiums. Please pay them as instructed from June 2023 to March 2024.

※If you are subject to the Special Collection system, your premiums will be deducted from your pension in Apr., Jun., Aug., Oct., Dec. 2023 and Feb. 2024.

※If it is difficult for you to pay the premiums, please contact the following as soon as possible. You have to pay additional amount after the payment due date.

For details (National Health Insurance):

National Health Insurance Division (Kokumin Kenko Hoken-shitsu)

TEL: 072-724-6734 FAX: 072-724-6040


For details (Long-term Care Insurance):

Medical Insurance, Pension & Long-term Care Insurance Division (Kaigo Iryou Nenkin-shitsu)

TEL: 072-724-6860 FAX: 072-724-6040


This article can be read in the following language: 日本語 (Japanese) 한국어 (Korean) 简体中文 (Chinese (Simplified))

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Health Insurance
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