Get the Annual Health Check-up

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In order to detect and treat the diseases early, it is essential to have a medical check-up before symptoms appear. In Minoh City, you can have a comprehensive physical check-up (Ningen Dock), a cancer screening and a lifestyle-related disease check-up (Specific Medical Check-up). Some of them you can take for free.
◆Kinds of check-up
(1) Comprehensive physical check-up (Ningen Dock):
It is a detailed check-up to look for any issues in body or health.
※A discount fee is applied when you take a cancer screening or a lifestyle-related disease check-up (Specific Medical Check-up) together at Medical Health Center (Iryo Hoken Center).
(2) Cancer screening:
It is to detect cancers (on stomach, lung, colon, cervical, breast, and prostate). It depends on your age which type of cancer screening you may have.
※You can have the free cancer screening once a year between Apr. 1 and Mar. 31 next year.
(3) Lifestyle-related disease check-up (Specific Medical Check-up):
It could prevent lifestyle-related diseases such as high blood pressure and diabetes.
※ Residents aged 40 to 74 who have Minoh City National Health Insurance are eligible for free.
(4) Optional health check-up:
You can receive certain check-ups at your discretion such as MRI examination of the brain, helical CT to check for lung cancer, examination of visceral fat, tumor marker, etc. Please inquire about other options.
※Discounts are available for Minoh City National Health Insurance holders aged 35 or older.
◆How to have a check-up
(1) Choose the kinds of check-up.
(2) Find the hospital.
Please refer to the Kenshin Guidebook, which was delivered to every family together with the April 2021 issue of the Momiji Dayori or the Minoh City website, and then choose the hospital where you will get the check-ups.
(3) Make an appointment by phone.
Please call the hospital where you want to get the check-up and tell them what kinds of medical check-up you want to have.
(4) Visit the hospital on the appointment day.
Please visit the hospital with your Health Insurance Certificate, driver’s license, or other identification, which shows your name, address, and age. If you will get the check-up for lifestyle-related diseases, you need to bring a special ticket for the lifestyle-related diseases check-up.
※A free ticket for the medical check-up of lifestyle-related diseases was sent to residents aged 40 to 74 who have Minoh City National Health Insurance in mid-April 2021. If you did not receive it, please contact the National Health Insurance Division (Kokumin Kenko Hoken-shitsu).
For details (about comprehensive physical check-up):
Medical Health Center (Iryo Hoken Center)
TEL: 072-727-9555 FAX: 072-727-3532
For details (about cancer screening):
Community Health Division (Chiiki Hoken-shitsu)
TEL: 072-727-9507 FAX: 072-727-3539
For details (about lifestyle-related diseases check-up):
National Health Insurance Division (Kokumin Kenko Hoken-shitsu)
TEL: 072-274-6734 FAX: 074-724-6040


This article can be read in the following language: 한국・조선어 (Korean) 简体中文 (Chinese (Simplified))

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