This article can be read in the following language: 한국・조선어 (Korean) 简体中文 (Chinese (Simplified))
◆If you are at lower risk of serious complications
Osaka Prefecture is ready to provide you with a free COVID-19 antigen qualitative test kit if you wish to take the COVID-19 test by yourself. If the result is positive, you are requested to register as a positive case at the Registration Center for COVID-19 Positives (Yosei-sha Toroku Center) as described in the document enclosed in the kit.
Eligibility: Only when you meet all the following criteria (1) to (4), you are eligible for a free self-test kit.
(1) Resident of Osaka Prefecture aged 10 to 64 years old,
(2) Have mild symptoms such as a fever,
(3) No underlying diseases,
(4) Not pregnant
※How to apply:
Please scan the attached QR code that directs you to the application form at the Osaka Prefecture website. The test kit will reach you within 1 day or 2.
For further information, call the Osaka Prefectural Test Kit Distribution Center at 0570-550-353 from 9:00 to 19:00.
◆If you are at higher risk of serious complications
(aged 65 or older, or having underlying condition, or being pregnant, etc.)
You are not eligible for a free self-test kit. If you feel any suspected symptoms such as high fever,
(1) consult your family physician first.
(2) If your family physician can treat a COVID-19 patient, continue to be treated by the FP.
(3) If your family physician is unable to treat a COVID-19 patient, the doctor will tell you where you should contact.
※If you are unable to contact your FP during holidays or out-of-office hours, or you do not have a FP: Contact the Osaka Prefectural Coronavirus Disease Examination Center (“Hatsunetsu-sha SOS”) via TEL 06-7166-9911, 06-7166-9966 or FAX:06-6944-7579.
For details: (Minoh City) Community Health Division
TEL: 072-727-9507 FAX: 072-727-3539
This article can be read in the following language: 한국・조선어 (Korean) 简体中文 (Chinese (Simplified))