What You Should Do to Prevent Arson

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Setting a fire to burn a house is called “arson”. Many of the causes of fires are said to be due to arson. Please take the following precautions to prevent such arsons.

(1) When taking out the garbage, follow the collection date and time. Don’t put out garbage the prior night of the collection day.

(2) Do not leave flammable materials (cardboard, old newspapers, magazines, etc.) around the house.

(3) Turn on the lights of the entrance and gate to lighten the area around the house.

(4) Do not leave postal items in the mailbox.

(5) Use non-flammable covers for cars and motorbikes.

(6) Lock houses that you do not live in, the garage, the shed, etc.

If you find a fire, please inform people nearby in a loud voice. And please call the fire station. The emergency telephone number of the fire station is 119.

For details: Fire Suppression Offices No.1 & No.2, Minoh Fire Station (Shobosho Keibo Daiichi-shitsu Daini-shitsu)

TEL:072-724-9090 FAX:072-724-6416



This article can be read in the following language: 한국・조선어 (Korean) 简体中文 (Chinese (Simplified))

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