みのおポスト 日・英グループ


Fireworks: Fire Prevention Tips

When you play with fireworks, at least one adult must stay close to the firework and take the following measures to prev...

Take Preventive Measures Against Typhoons or Torrential Rain

◆In order to minimize the risk of damage or loss due to the heavy rain or flooding Please take the following preventive ...

Small Business Support Coupons on Sale (7th Round)

In Minoh City, because prices are rising, coupons named “Chiisana Omise Ouen Ticket (Small Business Support Coupon), 7th...

Exchange Ticket for Burnable Garbage Bags Mailed

Please make sure to use designated garbage bags when throwing away combustible waste in Minoh City. The garbage bags are...

“SAN SAN Club” in September

“SAN SAN Club” is a group, where foreign parents raising children in Japan and their children can connect and interact w...

Karaoke Night Singers Wanted!

Beat the heat with Karaoke!We will hold a “Karaoke Night” at Chikanova located on the 3rd basement floor of Minoh Semba ...

Osaka Prefecture Children’s Food Expenses Support Program

Osaka Prefecture supports households with children aged under 18 and pregnant women with subsidies for food expenses. Ri...

Free Legal Consultation for Single-parent Families

A “single-parent family” is a household consisting of a mother and children, or a father and children. If you become a s...

Additional Emergency Assistance Benefits for Households Exempt from Resident Tax

Prices for electricity, gas, and food are rising. An “Emergency Assistance Benefit” of ¥100,000 will be distributed to h...

You May Be Exempted from Paying National Pension Contributions

If you are self-employed or unemployed and have difficulties in paying National Pension contributions due to your low in...