Reduction of National Health Insurance Premiums Before and After Childbirth

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The following people will have National Health Insurance premiums reduced. The reduction applies to insurance premiums from January 2024 onward. Those who gave birth in November 2023 will receive a reduction in insurance premiums equivalent to January 2024.
Eligibility: Those who are enrolled in National Health Insurance and gave birth after Nov. 1, 2023
※Even in case of stillbirth, miscarriage, premature birth or abortion, National Health Insurance premiums will be reduced if the pregnancy is four months or more.
Reduction period: Four months in total as shown below (six months in total, in case of multiple pregnancies, such as twins, etc.)
(1) One month immediately prior to the expected date of delivery (three consecutive months prior to the expected date of delivery, in case of pregnancies with more than one child)
(2) The month of delivery (or the month which the expected date of delivery belongs to)
(3) The first month after delivery
(4) The second month after delivery
Where to notify: Service counter for National Health Insurance Division (North side of the first floor of the Minoh City Office)
Notification form: You can get it at the service counter of National Health Insurance Division. You can also download it on the Minoh City website.
What is required to notify:
— Mother and Child Health Handbook or “Boshi Kenko Techo”, etc. (Something to prove that she will have a baby.)
— A document that can confirm the identity of the head of household (driver’s license, “My Number Card”, passport, etc.)
— “My Number” of both the head of household and the person giving birth
Those who can notify: The head of household, the person giving birth, etc.
※When a proxy makes the notification, a letter of proxy is required and the proxy have to bring his/her own identification document with him/her.
※The notification can be submitted from 6 months before the expected date of delivery.
Please visit the Minoh City website for details.
For details: National Health Insurance Division (Kokumin Kenko Hoken-shitsu)
TEL: 072-724-6734 FAX: 072-724-6040

This article can be read in the following language: 日本語 (Japanese) 한국・조선어 (Korean) 简体中文 (Chinese (Simplified))

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