This article can be read in the following language: 한국・조선어 (Korean) 简体中文 (Chinese (Simplified))
April to June is the breeding season for crows. At this time, they root through trash the most to find food for chicks. Especially during this period, please make sure to put the garbage in the Minoh City burnable garbage bag and cover it with a net. If the end of the net is detectable or not be weighed down firmly, crows will get into it and pull the garbage out. Crows may also attack people who pass near the
nest. If you find a crow’s nest, please contact Environment & Animal Division.
For details: Environment & Animal Division (Kankyo Dobutsu-shitsu).
TEL: 072-724-7039 FAX: 072-723-5581
This article can be read in the following language: 한국・조선어 (Korean) 简体中文 (Chinese (Simplified))