This article can be read in the following language: 한국・조선어 (Korean) 简体中文 (Chinese (Simplified))
Upon filing the application, the following people are exempted from paying National Pension contributions. It can be filed 6 months prior to the EDD (expected date of delivery).
Eligibility: The “Category 1” insured females (enrolled under their names) who gave birth after February 1, 2019.
Exemption period: 4 months in total as shown below (6 months in total, in case of multiple pregnancies, such as twins, etc.)
① One month immediately prior to the EDD (3 consecutive months prior to the EDD, in case of pregnancies with more than one child)
② The month of childbirth (or the month which the EDD belongs to)
③ The first month after delivery
④ The second month after delivery
※This exempted period will count as a qualifying and contribution-paid period for the Old-age Basic Pension. Please contact below for details.
Where to apply: Service counter for Health Insurance, Pension and Long-term Care Insurance at the Minoh City Office or Toyokawa / Todoromi Branches
For details: [same as the previous article]
Long-term Care Insurance, Medical Subsidies & Pension Office (Kaigo Iryou Nenkin-shitsu)
JPS Toyonaka Branch Office (Toyonaka Nenkin Jimusho)
This article can be read in the following language: 한국・조선어 (Korean) 简体中文 (Chinese (Simplified))