How Can I Get “Vaccination Certificate of COVID-19”?

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If you want to travel overseas, some countries require a vaccination certificate (“vaccine passport”) as a condition of entry, and in some countries, you may be exempted from quarantine or tests by presenting this. If you want to have a vaccine passport to travel abroad, please apply with Minoh City in the following manner.

Eligibility: Those who have resident registration in Minoh City, and a concrete international travel plan.

Application: Application should be mailed to Community Health Division (Chiiki Hoken-shitsu whose mailing address is 5-8-1 Kayano, Minoh 562-0014).

Documents required: Filled-out application form, photocopies of your passport, your ID card and the “Certificate of Vaccination for COVID-19” stub of your COVID-19 vaccination voucher as well as a self-addressed and ¥84-stamped return envelope.

※The “Application Form for Vaccination Certificate of COVID-19” is downloadable from the Minoh City website.

Fee: Free of charge
For details: Minoh COVID-19 Vaccination Call Center (Shingata Corona Vaccine Sesshu Call Center)
TEL: 072-727-6865 FAX:072-727-3539


This article can be read in the following language: 한국・조선어 (Korean) 简体中文 (Chinese (Simplified))

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