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Many house fires are caused by carelessness. In addition, recently many of the housefire victims are elderly people aged 65 and over. Each people’s carefulness can prevent many house fires. Please check the following “4 habits and 6 strategies” in your daily life.
◆4 habits (to prevent fire):
(1) Never smoke in bed.
(2) Do not place anything flammable near heaters.
(3) Do not leave when using the stove.
(4) Remove dust from outlets and disconnect plugs not in use.
◆6 strategies (to escape or to reduce damages in case of fire):
(1) Use a heater and a stove with safety features.
(2) Install residential fire alarms to detect fires and escape quickly.
(3) Use non-flammable (flame-resistant) fabrics for beddings, clothing and curtains.
(4) Equip fire extinguishers to put out fire at an early stage.
(5) Contact your neighbors so that they can help each other to protect elderlies and disabled persons from the fire.
(6) Take community-wide actions for preventing fires, such as fire drills.
For details: Fire Prevention Office, Fire Department Headquarters (Shobo Honbu Yobo-shitsu)
TEL: 072-724-9995 FAX: 072-724-3999
This article can be read in the following language: 한국・조선어 (Korean) 简体中文 (Chinese (Simplified)) Tiếng Việt (Vietnamese)