Notice on the Booster Shot of COVID-19 Vaccination

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People reaching the (roughly) 8 month criteria after their 2nd vaccination are eligible for the booster shot of COVID-19 vaccination.
◆Who is eligible for February 2022 vaccination?
People having their resident register at Minoh City and meeting either of the following criteria:
a. Those who got the 2nd vaccination in June 2021, or
b. Those who are 65 years or older as of March 31, 2022 and got the 2nd shot in July 2021.
※As long as either a. or b. is met, newly arrived residents are eligible.
Minoh City sent the vaccination tickets by mail on Jan. 14 to the eligible people whose booster shot is to be scheduled in February 2022. If you meet a. or b., and have not yet received the ticket, please contact the Minoh City COVID-19 Vaccination Call Center.
◆Those who will become eligible in March 2022 and onward:
Minoh City will send the ticket monthly to those who reach the 8 month criteria after their 2nd vaccination, considering the availability of vaccines allocated to Minoh and Minoh’s vaccination capacity.
◆Vaccines to be used / Various vaccination venue options:
It may vary based on the availability of each vaccines allocated to Minoh City whether your 3rd shot will be with Pfizer or Moderna vaccine.
You may get vaccinated:
(1) Individually at your family physician in Minoh,
(2) through Minoh City’s mass vaccination events held at 3 municipal facilities or 2 designated medical institutions (shown in the documents accompanying your vaccination ticket as well as in the Minoh City website),
(3) at the Osaka Prefectural Corona Vaccination Center (at Osaka Prefectural Government Office New Annex North, Shinsaibashi SC, Kansai University – Takatsuki Muse Campus, etc.),
(4) at the Japan Self-Defense Force (JSDF) Large-Scale Vaccination Center (at Yagi Bldg. at 2-8, Kyutaromachi 2-chome, Chuo-ku, Osaka)
For details: Minoh City COVID-19 Vaccination Call Center (Minoh-shi Shingata Corona Vaccine Sesshu Call Center)
TEL: 072-727-6865 FAX: 072-727-3539

This article can be read in the following language: 한국・조선어 (Korean) 简体中文 (Chinese (Simplified))

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