Temporary Special Payment to Household with Children (COVID-19 Related)

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The Japanese government decided to pay money to the households who raise the children in high school or younger. Minoh City pays ¥100,000 for each eligible child.

Eligible Household:

(1) Household which receives Child Allowance

Minoh City has already paid money to the households which receive Child Allowance and raise children of age 15 years old or younger into its accounts on Dec. 27, 2021.

(2) Household which raises only the children who are high school students and whose income is under standard level of Child Allowance

Minoh City has already sent applications to the eligible households in January. After you receive the application, please apply with necessary documents.

Necessary documents:

  1. a document copy which certifies an applicant’s identification (driver license, passport, etc.)
  2. a document copy which shows a bank or a Japan Post Bank account to receive the money

※The applicants whose addresses were out of Minoh City on Jan. 1, 2021 need their own or their spouse’s “Reiwa 3rd (2021) fiscal year of Certificate of Municipal and Prefectural Residents’ Tax Amount / the Certificate for no Taxation”.

Deadline: Thu., Mar. 31, 2022 (It must be postmarked by this day.)

(3) The household which had or is expecting a baby between Sep. 1, 2021 and Mar. 31, 2022

These people do not need to apply for Temporary Special Payment if they apply for Child Allowance.

For details: Desk for Early Childhood (Kodomo Sogo Madoguchi)
TEL:072-724-6791 FAX:072-721-9907

This article can be read in the following language: 한국어 (Korean) 简体中文 (Chinese (Simplified))

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