Life ”My Number” Is a Must for Intellectual Disability Certificate (Ryoiku Techo) Applications On April 1, 2022 and onward, applicants of Intellectual Disability Certificate (Ryoiku Techo) are required to identify t... 2022.06.17 LifeWelfare
Children/Education “SAN SAN Club” Holds Toy Transfer and Interact Meeting (Free Recycling Bazaar) Recyclable toys and children's goods are collected. Please come and enjoy chatting with other fathers and mothers about ... 2022.06.17 Children/EducationEventsInformation from MAFGA
Children/Education Origami Plane Workshop for Parent and Child This workshop gives you how to fold six kinds of paper planes, and how to fly them longer or smarter.Date & Time: Sat., ... 2022.04.23 Children/EducationEvents
Children/Education Seinan Library (Seinan Toshokan) Recycle Book Fair Some books and magazines to let go in the Seinan Library are released for free.Date & Time: Fri. (Holiday), Apr. 29 - Su... 2022.04.23 Children/EducationLife
Information from MAFGA Multicultural Volunteer Seminar in Spring If you are interested in multicultural coexistence or would like to volunteer at MAFGA, please attend this seminar and p... 2022.04.23 Information from MAFGA
Information from MAFGA Recruiting Lecturers for the “Multicultural Awareness Program for Elementary Schools” Would you like to introduce your country’s culture, plays, songs, dances, etc. at elementary schools in Minoh City? Plea... 2022.04.23 Information from MAFGA
Life Prefectural Housing Is Available Families raising children or families with a person using a wheelchair on a daily basis can apply for Prefectural Housin... 2022.04.23 LifeOthers
Children/Education Karaike Park (Karaike Kouen) Has Been Renewed! Karaike Park (Karaike Kouen) was open after renewal on April 2. There are 4 areas: for children up to 6 years old, for 1... 2022.04.23 Children/EducationLife
Garbage When You Put Out Garbage Please Be Aware of Crows April to June is the breeding season for crows. At this time, the crows root through trash the most to find food for the... 2022.04.23 Garbage
Children/Education Effective as of April 1, Legally, a Youth Reaching 18 Years Old Is a Major (Adult) By the revision of the Civil Code effectuated April 1, 2022 lowering the age of adulthood from 20 to 18, those who are a... 2022.04.23 Children/EducationLife