
Employment Support Seminar for Foreign Job Seekers in Japan

Through this seminar you will get basic knowledge you are expected to have when you start working in Japan. In addition ...

Night Schools at Middle School Campuses Open to International Citizens

People who did not graduate elementary/middle schools or graduated without adequate education can study at night schools...

Ticket for Free Garbage Bags Mailed

Please make sure to use special garbage bags when throwing away combustible waste in Minoh City. The garbage bags are av...

Application for the After-School Care Program, “Gakudohoiku”, Starting April 2023

“Gakudohoiku” is a program to take care of the following 1st to 6th graders after school. Children can spend time in spa...

Applying for Municipal Kindergartens (Entry in April 2023)

There are four municipal kindergartens in Minoh City. Children eligible to enter these kindergartens in April 2023 are 4...

Application for the Reservation System for Entering Nursery (Summer Application)

The Reservation System for Entering Nursery, “Nyuen Yoyaku Seido”, is an application system for those who want to have t...

Digital Gift Cards \20,000 to Be Distributed to Children under 18

In order to support families with children, Osaka Prefecture is distributing digital gift cards of \10,000 to children u...

When You Are Unable to Pay National Pension Contributions

When you are self-employed or without a job and have difficulties in paying National Pension contributions because of lo...

National Health Insurance “Certificate for Maximum Amount Application”

This is a notice to those who have National Health Insurance. When you are hospitalized or undergo surgery, the amount o...

Notice on Cervical Cancer Preventive Vaccination

Cervical cancer vaccination has not been actively recommended for about 8 years. However, women eligible for the routine...