National Pension

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National Pension

If you pay towards National Pension, you or your family will receive a pension in the following cases:

  • When you turn 65 years old (Old Age Basic Pension)

In order to receive the Old Age Basic Pension, you must have been paying into the system for a period of more than 10 years. If you have been paying for less than 10 years, you will not be eligible to receive the Old Age Basic Pension.

  • When someone (who has paid National Pension or has been eligible for the Old Age Basic Pension for 25 years or over) passes away (Survivors Basic Pension)
  • When you get an injury or sickness resulting in disability (Disability Basic Pension)

In the case of death or disability, the circumstances must meet certain criteria.

People aged between 20 and 60 years old, living in Japan.
*If you are a company employee, you probably already have Social Security Pension and therefore do not need to pay into National Pension.

Insurance fees
16,980 yen per month (Financial year 2024)
If it is decided by the board that you are unable to or have financial difficulties in paying the insurance fees, the payments may be exempted.

Lump Sum Payment

If you are a foreign citizen without the right to receive the Old-Age Basic Pension Benefit and you pay into the pension system for more than 6 months, you can receive a lump sum payment when you leave Japan. This payment must be applied for within 2 years after you leave Japan.

  • Long-term Care Insurance, Medical Subsidies And Pension Division
    TEL: 072-724-6735 FAX: 072-724-6040
  • Toyonaka National Pension Office
    TEL: 06-6848-6831 FAX: 06-6854-3638

Welfare Money for Foreign Citizens in Japan

Due to the pension system, elderly foreign citizens or foreign citizens with disabilities who are not eligible for the National Pension Benefit receive welfare money.

  Requirement Amount of Payment
Elderly People Persons who live in Minoh City and were born before 1 April 1926
Persons who have had Alien registration since 1 January 1982 or before.
(There is an income restriction)
10,000 yen per month
People with Disabilities Persons who live in Minoh City and were born before 31 December 1961
Persons who have had Alien Registration since before 1 January 1982.
Persons with severe disabilities, or persons who have severe disabilities caused before 31 December 1981
(There is an income restriction)
36,000 yen per month
  • Long-term Care Insurance, Medical Subsidies And Pension Division
    TEL: 072-724-6735 FAX: 072-724-6040

This article can be read in the following language: 日本語 (Japanese) 한국・조선어 (Korean) 简体中文 (Chinese (Simplified)) Tiếng Việt (Vietnamese)

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