Have You Applied for Special Cash Payments (Tokubetsu Teigaku Kyufukin) ?

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Special Cash Payments (Tokubetsu Teigaku Kyufukin)

All Minoh City residents are eligible to receive ¥100,000. Application forms have been sent to eligible households in the end of May. The deadline for application is Mon., Aug. 31, 2020. If you fail to apply for it by the deadline, you cannot receive the allowance. If you have not applied yet, please apply as soon as possible.

Eligibility: Minoh residents as of April 27, 2020

Amount:¥100,000 per person

How to apply:
(1) In the yellow column of the application form, fill in the relevant information such as the bank account number of the head of your household and your stamp or signature.
(2) Attach the following: a photocopy of identification such as your driver’s license, and a photocopy of your bankbook which shows the name of the bank, account number and the name of account holder.
(3) Send the application form using the enclosed return envelope to the City Office.

Deadline for application: Mon., Aug. 31, 2020

How to receive: The total amount for every person in the household will be transferred to the registered bank account about 1 month after the application.

For details: Special Cash Payments Office (Tokubetsu Teigaku Kyufukin-shitsu)
TEL: 072-724-6781 FAX: 072-724-6819
e-mail: soumu@maple.city.minoh.lg.jp


This article can be read in the following language: 한국・조선어 (Korean) 简体中文 (Chinese (Simplified)) Tiếng Việt (Vietnamese) Español (Spanish) Português (Portuguese (Brazil)) Mongolian

Multilingual Desk for Daily Life Consultation

If you have difficulties in contacting each organizer or department, please ask MAFGA. We are ready to help you.

TEL: 072-727-6912
Email: soudan@mafga.or.jp
Date and Time: Tuesday to Sunday 9:00~17:00
How to use our services: Visit, e-mail or call our center.
Available languages: Japanese / English / Chinese / Korean / Portuguese

We respond to consultations about childcare, education, work, medical care, welfare, visa status or any other problems and worries you might have.
Consultations are free of charge and will be strictly confidential.

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