National Health Insurance: Individual Out-ofpocket Limit Certificate After August 2021

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This is for NHI holders. When you have an operation or are hospitalized, your medical expenses may rise. However, if you present the Individual Out-of-pocket Limit Certificate (“Gendogaku Tekiyou Ninteisho”), the amount you have to pay to the hospital may be reduced. How much your financial burden will be alleviated is determined by your age and your previous yearly income, etc. If you have your former Limit Certificate, it expired on July 31. If you need a new one, you may apply at the City Office’s Medical, Pension and Nursing
Care Service Desk. You will need (1) your NHI certificate, (2) personal identification (driver’s license, a photocopy of resident card, etc.), (3) something which certifies your individual number (“My Number” card or a copy of residence certification with “My Number”) and (4) a seal (inkan/hanko) to apply. You will need to declare your 2020 income. Application can be done by postal mail.
For details: National Health Insurance Office (Kokumin Kenko Hoken-shitsu)
TEL: 072-724-6734 FAX: 072-724-6040

This article can be read in the following language: 한국・조선어 (Korean) 简体中文 (Chinese (Simplified))

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