When You Are Unable to Pay National Pension Contributions

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When you are self-employed or without a job and have difficulties in paying National Pension contributions because of low income, you can apply for the Contribution Exemption System or Payment Postponement System. The amount of exemption is determined based on your household income of the previous year.
※The application must be filed each year. However, if you have applied for “continuous application” and been approved by June 30, 2021, you don’t have to apply this year. If you want to apply for this system, you can get the application form at the City Office, Toyokawa Branch or Todoromi Branch.
Please contact the office written on the next page for the necessary documents other than the application form.
※If you had a full or partial exemption in the past and the period is within 10 years, you can recover the period by paying the exempted contributions retroactively.
For details: Long-term Care Insurance, Medical Subsidies &
Pension Office (Kaigo Iryou Nenkin-shitsu)
TEL: 072- 724-6735 FAX: 072-724-6040
e-mail: iryouseido@maple.city.minoh.lg.jp

This article can be read in the following language: 한국・조선어 (Korean) 简体中文 (Chinese (Simplified))

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