Priority Vaccination for Expecting Mothers, their Partners and Family Members

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In order to prevent the infection of Covid-19 and reduce the risk of serious infection, expecting mothers, their partners and family members (residing in the same address as the expecting mother) have the priority to apply for the vaccination.

1、Priority Vaccination in Minoh City

Who Expecting Mothers, their Partners and Family Members living in Minoh.
Where University of Osaka Aoyama, Minoh Campus ( Since it is located on a steep slope, you may go by car.)
・1st dose:September 8th to 18th of 2021 (Wednesday to Saturday, except Sunday, Monday, Tuesday)
・2nd dose: October 6th to 16th of 2021 (Wednesday to Saturday, except Sunday, Monday, Tuesday)
Name of the Vaccine: Moderna
ReservationMake a call to the New Corona Vaccination Call Center Reservation Dial (072-727-6861) in Minoh City.

What you need for the reservation: Vaccination ticket number issued by Minoh City, expected delivery date.

What you need at the time of vaccination: vaccination ticket, identification documents ( driver`s license or residence card, etc.) medical examination slip, maternal and child health handbook.

For more details, please refer to the homepage

2、Priority Vaccination in Osaka Prefecture
Who: Expecting Mother and her partner with resident card in Osaka Prefecture.
Where: My Dome Osaka
WhenFrom September 6th (Mon) to November 30th (Tue) of 2021 (as planned)
Name of the Vaccine: Moderna
Reservation: Every Friday from 4pm to the following Friday. Please access the reservation system from the internet or LINE.
What you need to make a reservation: vaccination ticket, mother and child handbook
Reservation System:
For details, please refer to the homepage

This article can be read in the following language: 한국・조선어 (Korean) 简体中文 (Chinese (Simplified)) Tiếng Việt (Vietnamese)

Multilingual Desk for Daily Life Consultation

If you have difficulties in contacting each organizer or department, please ask MAFGA. We are ready to help you.

TEL: 072-727-6912
Date and Time: Tuesday to Sunday 9:00~17:00
How to use our services: Visit, e-mail or call our center.
Available languages: Japanese / English / Chinese / Korean / Portuguese

We respond to consultations about childcare, education, work, medical care, welfare, visa status or any other problems and worries you might have.
Consultations are free of charge and will be strictly confidential.

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