How Can I Get “Vaccination Certificate of COVID-19”? If you want to travel overseas, some countries require a vaccination certificate (“vaccine passport”) as a condition of ... 2021.10.15
Events We will give sanitary napkins to those who need them In order to support women who cannot prepare sanitary napkins due to financial difficulties caused by COVID-19, we will ... 2021.09.07 EventsLifeWelfare
Health Priority Vaccination for Expecting Mothers, their Partners and Family Members In order to prevent the infection of Covid-19 and reduce the risk of serious infection, expecting mothers, their partner... 2021.09.05 Health
Information from MAFGA Consultation for reservation of the COVID-19 vaccinations We can support and see together by using website or phone, about how to make a reservation of the COVID-19 vaccination, ... 2021.09.05 Information from MAFGA
Consultation Sunday Multilingual Consultation Service We respond to consultations about childcare, education, work, medical care, welfare, visa status r any other problems an... 2021.09.02 Consultation
Events The “cinemo” Presents a Movie (You Can Watch Online as Well) The “cinemo” organizes a selected film screening once a month (usually with English audio and Japanese subtitles).Date &... 2021.09.02 EventsInformation from MAFGA
Garbage Ticket for Free Garbage Bags Mailed Please make sure to use special garbage bags when throwing away combustible waste in Minoh City. The garbage bags are av... 2021.09.02 GarbageLife
Safety/Disaster prevention Please Check the New “Bosai Map”! New “Bosai Map (June 2021 version), Minoh City Hazard Zone Map” was delivered with the July issue of the Momiji Dayori. ... 2021.08.24 Safety/Disaster prevention
Safety/Disaster prevention Please Pay Attention to New Evacuation Information! When a disaster such as a typhoon occurs and you need to evacuate (go to a safe place), Minoh City will release evacuati... 2021.08.24 Safety/Disaster prevention
Children/Education Application for the After-School Care Program (“Gakudohoiku”) Starting April 2022 “Gakudohoiku” is a program to take care of the following 1stto 6th graders after school. Children can spend time in spar... 2021.08.24 Children/Education