In severe winter season, it is possible that water pipes will freeze so please take the following precautions.

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In severe winter season, it is possible that water pipes will freeze so please take the following precautions.

  • Preventing water pipes from freezing
  • Wrap the pipes attached to water heaters and other pipes that are outside, in old cloths or other heat insulating materials, then wrap that in plastic etc. to stop water from seeping in.
  • Turn off and drain the water to solar heaters and boilers.
  • Turn the tap on when you go to bed and leave it running overnight. Run about a pencil-width of water and collect it in the bath or buckets so that you can reuse it.
  • If your water pipes freeze
  • Be careful because if you pour boiling water on water pipes it can damage them.
  • If the water pipes are frozen turn the taps off when you leave the house.
  • If your water pipes break
  • First, turn off the valve to the side of the water meter and request for repairs from a plumber designated by the City. (If you live in a condominium or apartment please contact the management company or owner etc.)

If you don’t know how to turn off the water valve or you don’t know any designated plumbers, please contact the

Water and Sewerage Bureau Engineering Division on 072-722-3055


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