
You Will Receive a New National Health Insurance (NHI) Certificate

New National Health Insurance (NHI) certificates (Hokensho) will be issued effective November 1. The new certificate is ...

Pneumococcus Vaccination for Elderly People

Many elderly people lose their lives from pneumonia. A major cause of pneumonia is pneumococcus. There is a pneumococcus...

Discount Coupons for Seasonal Influenza Vaccination for Children

Influenza Vaccination has begun. Discount coupons for Influenza vaccinations were sent at the end of September to famili...

The Fee of Minoh City Hospital Changed from October 1

The fee of Minoh City Hospital changed from Oct. 1, 2019. Moreover, because the consumption tax rose "Shoshinryo-Kasanki...

To Decrease Damage from Earthquakes and Disasters — Always Be Prepared

Recently in Japan earthquakes and natural disasters, such as typhoons, heavy rain, flooding and windstorms, have occurre...

The Payment for National Health Insurance/ Nursing Care Insurance

The amounts you have to pay for the National Health Insurance and Nursing Care Insurance this year have been determined ...


(1) Diphtheria and Tetanus Vaccine (DTV) A pre-vaccination medical checklist for DTV was sent in May. This was for sixth...

Take Preventive Measures Against Heavy Rain

In Japan the rainy season starts in June, and there is a risk of disasters such as downpours and flooding. To decrease d...

Protect Your Life from Furniture Falling Down When a Big Earthquake Strikes!

When a big earthquake strikes furniture falling down can cause great injury and loss of life. Let’s rethink the layout o...

Take a Lifestyle-related Diseases Checkup (Specific Health Checkup) and a Cancer Screening Together for Free

The residents of Minoh City are eligible for free medical checkup of screening for cancer (Stomach, Lung, Colon, Cervica...