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There are three kinds of tax in Japan:
1: National tax (paid to the government)
2: Prefectural tax (paid to the prefecture)
3: Municipal tax (paid to the Municipality)

For Prefectural and Municipal tax, you can pay this at banks or post offices by bringing your tax payment notice. The tax payment notice is mailed to you by your city and/or prefecture. You have to pay this by the due date. 

You can also pay at convenience stores or with smartphone payment applications, etc.

If the payment is not received by the due date, the city office tax division will send you a notice. You may be subject to penalties such as your property being seized (unable to freely use). Also, in addition to the tax payment, you will also be required to pay a penalty fee.

If you do not understand the contents of the tax payment notice, or if you need a tax certificate, please contact the sender of the notice.

Fixed Assets Tax and City Planning Tax (Municipal Tax)

As of 1 January, those who own fixed assets (land, buildings or depreciable assets) in the City are required to pay this tax.

A tax payment notice is automatically sent as long as the assets and the owner are registered. 

Tax Division (Fixed Assets Tax Section)
TEL: 072-724-6712 FAX: 072-723-5538

Local Residents’ Tax (Municipal and Prefectural Tax)

As of 1 January, those who live in the City are required to declare their income and pay this tax according to their income earned in the previous year. After it has been declared, a tax payment notice is automatically sent.

In the case of salaried employees, their employer declares their income for them and pays the tax, deducting from their salary.

Tax Division (Municipal Residents’ Tax Section)
TEL: 072-724-6710 FAX: 072-723-5538

Light Vehicle Tax (Category-based) (Municipal Tax)

As of 1 April, those who own light vehicles or mopeds are required to pay this tax. A tax payment notice is automatically sent.

If a registered vehicle is stolen, or the owner/owner’s address is changed, please inform the Tax Division.

Tax Division (Light Vehicle Tax Section)
TEL: 072-724-6709 FAX: 072-723-5538


Automobile Tax (Category-based) (Prefectural Tax)

Those who own cars are required to pay this tax. A tax payment notice is automatically sent.

Automobile Tax Call Center, Osaka Prefectural Government
TEL: 0570-020156


 Income Tax (National Tax)

Those who live in Japan and have income, or live outside of Japan but have income in Japan, are required to declare their income and to pay this tax according to their income.
In the case of salaried employees, the employer deducts from their salary beforehand and pays this tax instead of them.


Toyono National Tax Office
TEL: 072-751-2441


 Consumption Tax (National Tax)

When you purchase any goods or services, you pay a 10% consumption tax.


Toyono National Tax Office
TEL: 072-751-2441

This article can be read in the following language: 日本語 (Japanese) 한국・조선어 (Korean) 简体中文 (Chinese (Simplified)) Tiếng Việt (Vietnamese)

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