Fire Alarm Installation

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Installation of fire alarms is required in all houses. Fire alarms keep you and your family safe.
A fire alarm reacts to smoke and heat, and warns you of fire.
As of 1 June 2011 it is compulsory to install an alarm in all houses.
However, if you have an automatic fire alarm or a sprinkler at your house, you don’t have to install a fire alarm.

Where to install fire alarms

  1. Bedrooms
  2. Kitchen (compulsory since April 2015)
  3. On stairwells attached to floors with bedrooms

Types of fire alarm
Alarms are classified into two types: residential smoke alarm and residential heat alarm.
Please install a residential smoke alarm in bedrooms and stairs. You may use either a residential smoke or heat alarm in kitchens.

Where to buy a fire alarm
You can buy a fire alarm at electronic shops or hardware stores.

Maintenance of fire alarms
An alarm with old parts, batteries, etc. may not properly sense a fire.
Please regularly test your fire alarm by pushing the button or pulling the string. Aim to replace your fire alarms every 10 years.

Fire Prevention Division, Fire Department Headquarters
TEL: 072-724-9995 FAX: 072-724-3999

This article can be read in the following language: 日本語 (Japanese) 한국・조선어 (Korean) 简体中文 (Chinese (Simplified)) Tiếng Việt (Vietnamese)

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