You Will Receive a New National Health Insurance (NHI) Certificate

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New National Health Insurance (NHI) certificates (Hokensho) will be issued effective on November 1. Each NHI holder is supposed to receive the new certificate in mid-October. If it does not arrive by the end of October, please contact the National Health Insurance Division. The new NHI certificate is valid for one year except for those who meet the following (1) to (3) categories, where the certificate type and/or the expiration date may vary.
(1) NHI holders who will be 75 years old by Oct. 31, 2024:
When you become 75 years old, your National Health Insurance category automatically switches to the “Latter-stage Elderly Medical Care Insurance Certificate”. You will receive the new certificate towards the end of the preceding month of your birthday.
(2) Students who have “Maru Gaku Hihokenshasho” (a student specific NHI Certificate):
Your present “Maru Gaku Hihokenshasho” is valid through Mar. 31, 2024. If you need another after Apr. 1, 2024, please apply again.
※In order to apply for a new “Maru Gaku Hihokenshasho”, you need your previous one and an ID such as your student card that proves your status as a student on Apr. 1, 2024 and onward.
(3) Foreign citizens whose Resident Card (“Zairyu Card”) will expire before Oct.31,2024:
Your present NHI certificate is valid through the next day of your Resident Card expiration. If your status is extended, you will receive a new certificate.
For details: National Health Insurance Division (Kokumin Kenko Hoken-shitsu)
TEL: 072-724-6734 FAX: 072-724-6040

This article can be read in the following language: 日本語 (Japanese) 한국・조선어 (Korean) 简体中文 (Chinese (Simplified))

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